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All-Terrain Knee Collection
Instructional Materials
All-Terrain Knee - Instructions for Use
All-Terrain Knee - Quick Reference Card
All-Terrain Knee - User Guide
All-Terrain Knee - Fitting Flow Chart
ATK HydraPro
Instructional Materials
ATK HydraPro - Instructions for Use
ATK HydraPro - Quick Reference Card
ATK HydraPro - User Guide
All-Terrain Knee Videos and Presentations
Setting Up the All-Terrain Knee
Recommendations for Successful Use
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Narrowing the accessibility gap.
Our Clinical Specialist illustrates how the All-Terrain Knee Collection helps to fill the largely unmet need for economical, yet high-performing, prosthetic devices.
Andrysek J, Wright FV, Rotter K, Garcia D, Valdebenito R, Mitchell CA, Rozbaczylo C, Cubillos R.
"Long-term clinical evaluation of the automatic stance-phase lock-controlled prosthetic knee joint in young adults with unilateral above-knee amputation." Disability and Rehabilitation Assistive Technology. 2016 Jul 4:1-7.
Andrysek J, Wright FV, Rotter K, Garcia D, Valdebenito R, Mitchell CA, Rozbaczylo C, Cubillos R.
"Functional and biomechanical differences between weight-activated brake (wab) and automatic stance-phase lock (aspl) prosthetic knee joint mechanisms."
Andrysek J, Klejman S, Heim W, Torres Moreno R, Steinnagel B, Glasford, S.
"Mobility function of a prosthetic knee joint with an automatic stance-phase lock." Prosth Orth Int. 35(2), 163-170, 2011.
Furse A, Cleghorn W, Andrysek J.
"Improving the gait performance of non-fluid-based swing-phase control mechanisms in above-knee prostheses." IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. May 16, 2011(epub).
Andrysek J, Naumann S, Cleghorn WL.
"Design and quantitative evaluation of a stance-phase controlled prosthetic knee joint for children." IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng. 2005 Dec;13(4):437-43.
Wyss D, Lindsay S, Cleghorn WL, Andrysek J.
"Priorities in lower limb prosthetic service delivery based on an international survey of prosthetists in low- and high-income countries." Prosth Orth Int. 2013 Dec.
Andrysek J.
"Lower-limb prosthetic technologies in the developing world: a review of literature from 1994 to 2010." Prosth Orth Int.34(4), 378-398, 2010.
Furse A, Cleghorn W, Andrysek J.
"Development of a low-technology prosthetic swing-phase mechanism." J Med Biomed Eng. 31(2), 145-150, 2011.
Wyss D, Cleghorn WL, Andrysek J.
"Application of Quality Function Deployment for the development of a prosthetic knee joint." AES Technical Reviews Part C: International Journal of Advances and Trends in Engineering Materials and their Applications(IJATEMA). 1 (1) 2013, 67 – 75.