Success Stories

Success Story: Cindy

Success Story: Cindy

LegWorks Product: ATK HydraPro Cindy has been an above-knee amputee for over 30 years and has tried several different water-leg setups. Listen to h...
Success Story: Brian

Success Story: Brian

LegWorks Product: All-Terrain Knee Premium Brian is an athletic bilateral above-knee amputee from Florida, who started using the All-Terrain Knee w...
Success Story: Pete

Success Story: Pete

LegWorks Product: All-Terrain Knee Premium Pete's Story... in his own words."As a father, family time is the key thing and we are beach people! Tha...
Success Story: Dan

Success Story: Dan

LegWorks Product: All-Terrain Knee with Stance Flexion Dan is an above-knee amputee from Berkeley, California, who tackles homelessness in the Bay ...